Monday, December 17, 2012


Like many people I'm shocked and terrified by the recent shooting in Newtown, CT. As a new father events like this make the world seem like a more unpredictable, scarier place than it was a week ago. While riding on the metro the morning after the news broke and contemplating the various bombings that have happened here in Moscow both in the metro and in the airport I began to pray about the myriad of feelings swirling through me. Fear, disgust, hopelessness, anger, confusion all swam around me. As I prayed these words came to mind.

I do not hope in gun laws
I do not hope in the protection of a weapon
I do not hope in princes who fail
I do not hope in the wickedness of the human heart
I do not hope in anything this world offers

I hope in the innocent one who suffered cruelly for the wickedness of man
I hope in the one who did not trust the words of men, for he knew what was in their hearts
I hope in the one who conquered death and its sting
I hope in the one who promises to turn evil into good, ashes into beauty

How will he do it? I do not know
When will he do it? I do not know

This I do know, wait on the Lord, be strong, let your heart take courage
Wait on the Lord

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