Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Opening doors

The US project has been in country for nearly two weeks now. God has been doing some pretty cool things with them since then. Consider this:
-Two Universities where we have been trying to get traction have suddenly opened up to us and say that they want us to lead English Clubs at their schools.
-One University which we have been visiting and praying for is hopefully going to let us show a movie for their students and discuss its themes and spiritual significance afterwards.
-20 Russians students, most of whom are not Christians, showed up for a picnic on Saturday to talk with our summer project more about what they believe in and why they are who they are.
-We have identified two Russian students whom we are pretty sure are believers and seem interested in helping their friends know God.
This is incredibly encouraging for us, especially in light of the frustrating and slow winter and spring we had this year AND in light of the fact that most of our student leaders are graduating this year. It seems that your prayers for us and our prayers for the students in Moscow are being answered in conjunction with the summer project’s presence. Coincidence? Probably not.
The project has about 10 days left until they go to St. Petersburg for a few days. Pray with us that God uses them in increasingly great ways and that more doors open up for us as a result. Exciting things are happening and we can’t wait to see what God is going to do next.
Could it possibly have something to do with the Russian student summer project called “Shalom” that is starting this Thursday? We sure hope so. We are praying for 10 Muscovite students to join us for four weeks of loving their city and seeking the peace and prosperity of the city in which many of them feel like exiles. We hope this wave that US project is riding right now continues on to the Muscovite students and that they can continue to ride it as long as God wants. Pray with us for this. We’ll keep you posted.

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